Government of Western Australia State Coat of Arms
Coroner's Court of Western Australia
Government of Western Australia State Coat of Arms
Coroner's Court of Western Australia

Coroner's Process

The Coroner is a Judicial Officer who must be advised when a person dies and their death is considered a reportable death as defined by the Coroners Act 1996 (WA). In broad terms, a reportable death is a death that appears to have been unexpected, unnatural or violent or to have resulted, directly or indirectly, from injury. The Coroner is also required to investigate deaths in certain circumstances. This includes if the person died whilst they were held in care (for example in a prison).

A report of death is usually received from the police, doctors or hospital authorities. Once a report of death is received the Coroner has legal control over the body of the deceased person and must establish if possible:

  • the identity of the deceased;
  • how the death occurred;
  •  the cause of death; and
  • the particulars needed to register the death under the Births, Deaths and Marriages Act 1998 (WA).

In some cases, the Coroner may comment and make recommendations about public health or safety or the administration of justice. These comments and recommendations are intended to help prevent similar deaths happening.

There does not have to be anything suspicious about the death for the Coroner to be involved. Many investigations determine a person died of natural causes.

There will be an investigation into every reportable death as defined within the Coroners Act 1996 (WA).

The investigation will vary depending on the circumstances of the death. The investigation may include:

  1. A review of the person's medical history and the circumstances of the death.
  2. A Post-Mortem examination and medical testing.
  3. Reports from investigators, such as the police, doctors, engineers, work safety inspectors, electrical inspectors, mining inspectors, air safety officers etc., as well as statements from witnesses.
  4. In some cases, expert reports are obtained.

It is difficult to indicate the exact timing of an investigation.  The circumstances of each death are unique and the complexity of each inquiry will vary.

A Coronial Inquiry will take months and often can take longer than 12 months, particularly where the death is due to unnatural causes. If an Inquest is necessary, the case will take longer to complete.

Persons who fall within the categories listed in section 37(5) of the Coroners Act 1996 (WA) may contact the Coroner’s Court to establish the current status of the inquiry.

See the Coronial Investigation Timeline page.

In most cases when the investigation is complete the coroner will complete a Record of Investigation of Death (finding). The finding details the Coroner's determination, based on the evidence. The finding also provides necessary information for the death to be registered.

If the investigation is likely to be protracted and family members need information about the death for legal or insurance purposes, they should contact staff at the Coroner’s Court to seek assistance.

In a small number of cases a public hearing known as an inquest is held.

A death reported to the Coroner in Perth is dealt by:

Coroner's Court of Western Australia
Central Law Courts
Level 10, 501 Hay Street PERTH WA 6000

Telephone: (08) 9425 2900 or 1800 671 994 (free call for country callers)


When a death that must be reported to the Coroner occurs in a country area, Regional Magistrate’s Courts will usually deal with the investigation. There are Regional Magistrate’s Courts in Albany, Broome, Bunbury, Carnarvon, Geraldton, Kalgoorlie, Kununurra, Northam and South Hedland. For information relating to these deaths, contact the Coroner's Registrar at the relevant location.

All post-mortem examinations (PME) are performed at the State Mortuary in Perth, regardless of where the death occurred. Arrangements for PME’s are authorised by the Registrar at the local Magistrate’s Court. The investigation is conducted by a local police officer. The finding will be completed by a local Magistrate who is also the Coroner.

Anyone who has information they believe is relevant can write to the Coroner. This should be done as early as possible. This information will be taken into account in the investigation.

If you wish to provide information you will not be able to speak to the Coroner directly. You can speak to the investigating police officer (if known), or Court staff who can advise you further.

Last updated: 2 December 2024

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