Coroner's Court of Western Australia

Inquest into the Death of Amy TINKER

Delivered on - 31 January 2014

Delivered at - Perth

Finding of - Coroner King

Recommendations - N/A

Orders/Rules - N/A

Suppression Order - N/A

Summary - The deceased was a 34 year old woman who died on 15 September 2010 at Royal Perth Hospital after she became serious ill from sepsis while a sentenced prisoner at Greenough Regional Prison.

The inquest focused on the care provided to the deceased while a prisoner and the possible improvements on the standard of primary medical care provided to prisoners in custody of the Department of Corrective Services.

The Coroner found the deceased died from multiple organ failure complicating sepsis in a woman with cirrhosis of the liver.  The manner of death was natural causes.

Catch Words - Death in Custody – Prison – medical care – liver disease – natural causes


Last updated: 10-Jan-2024

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