Inquest into the Death of David WAYMOUTH
Delivered on :24 October 2016
Delivered at : Perth
Finding of : Coroner Linton
Recommendations :N/A
Orders/Rules : N/A
Suppression Order : N/A
Summary : The deceased was a sentenced prisoner based at Bunbury Regional Prison at the time of his death. He was 47 years of age.
The deceased fell from his bed in his cell overnight on 3 to 4 November 2014. He was taken to the prison health centre in a wheelchair as he was experiencing pain and unable to walk. The deceased was later conveyed via ambulance to Bunbury Hospital where he underwent an x-ray and CT scan of his right hip. The results confirmed a right sub-capital fracture of the neck of femur to his right hip and he was admitted as an inpatient with surgery planned. He underwent a successful hip replacement although the surgery carried a number of risk factors for the deceased including his obesity and liver disease secondary to chronic hepatitis C infection.
He returned to prison from hospital on 8 November 2014 but fell from the toilet, re-injured his hip, and was returned to hospital that same morning. Following readmission the deceased developed several complications and despite further surgical intervention, he was unable to recover and ultimately died as a result of those complications.
The issues explored at the inquest focused primarily on the care provided to the deceased while a prisoner, both within the custodial environment and while admitted at hospital.
The Coroner found the deceased had an extensive medical history and the various records and medical reports indicated throughout his many prison terms the deceased received regular medical treatment by prison doctors and nurses for a variety of ailments. He was seen by specialists and transferred to hospital for more extensive medical treatment whenever required. The Coroner found the treatment provided to the deceased’s medical conditions while in prison was reasonable and appropriate and his management at the Bunbury Hospital was also of a reasonable and appropriate standard.
The Coroner concluded the deceased died on 20 November 2014 at Bunbury Hospital as a result of multi organ failure and sepsis complicating ulcerating colitis and intestinal obstruction in a man with severe constipation, methadone use and recent repair of a right hip fracture and death was by way of natural causes.
Catch Words : Death in Custody : Natural Causes.
Last updated: 3-May-2024
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