Delivered on - 8 July 2014
Delivered at - Perth
Finding of - Coroner Linton
Recommendations - N/A
Orders/Rules - N/A
Suppression Order - N/A
Summary - The deceased was an Aboriginal man who lived in Leonora and had a longstanding history of chronic liver disease. Following an alleged assault the deceased was admitted to the Leonora Hospital and then he was transferred to the Kalgoorlie. After a period of time at the Kalgoorlie Hospital the deceased left the hospital without notifying hospital staff.
Searches were conducted by hospital staff and police but failed to locate the deceased. The deceased was found at a much later time in bushland on the outskirts of Kalgoorlie.
The inquest focused on the circumstances in which the deceased left the hospital and what efforts were made to locate him after he was reported missing, as well as the medical evidence that might narrow the time span during which his death occurred.
The Coroner found the deceased died between 14 June and 1 July 2010 in bushland, approximately 2.7 kilometres north of Western Road, Kalgoorlie of unknown causes. The Coroner made an Open Finding in respect to the manner of death.
Catch Words - Missing person – emergency search – absconding from hospital - open finding
Last updated: 2-Feb-2024
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