Government of Western Australia State Coat of Arms
Coroner's Court of Western Australia
Government of Western Australia State Coat of Arms
Coroner's Court of Western Australia

Inquest into the Deaths of Jesse Kyel DIXON and Nathan Alan RANDALL

Inquest into the Deaths of Jesse Kyel DIXON and Nathan Alan RANDALL

Delivered on : 3 February 2025

Delivered at : Perth

Finding of : Coroner Jenkin

Recommendations : No

Orders/Rules : No

Suppression Order : Yes

On the basis it would be contrary to the public interest, I make an Order under s49(1)(b) Coroners Act 1996 that there be no reporting or publication of the details of discussion surrounding operational aspects of Western Australian Police Force urgent duty/emergency driving policies and procedures, including any cap on the speed at which police officers are authorised to drive.

Summary : Nathan Alan Randall (Nathan) and Jesse Kyel Dixon (Jesse) died on 18 August 2022 in the vicinity of the intersection between Ennis Avenue and Patterson Road in East Rockingham.  Natahn died from head injury and Jesse died from multiple injuries when the motorcycle Nathan was riding (Motorcycle) and on which Jesse was a pillion passenger, collided with trees.  At the request of their respective families, the deceased were referred to at the inquest, and in the coroner’s finding as “Nathan” and “Jesse”.

At about 2.10 am on 18 August 2022, Nathan and Jesse were travelling north along Ennis Avenue in East Rockingham.  As Nathan rode through the intersection of Ennis Avenue and Dixon Road, he passed a marked police car (TK102) driven by Senior Constable Wigger (Officer Wigger) and accelerated away.

Officer Wigger decided to follow the Motorcycle to conduct further enquiries, but lost sight of it, and a short time later, Nathan collided with a tree.

Under the terms of the Coroners Act 1996 (the Act), the deaths of both Nathan and Jesse were “reportable deaths”.  Further, on the basis that there was a possibility that a member of the Western Australian Police Force (the Police) may have caused or contributed to these deaths, a coronial inquest was mandatory.

The coroner noted that although Nathan sped off after seeing TK102, Officer Wigger did not activate TK102’s emergency lights or sirens, nor did he pursue the Motorcycle for an extended period.  Because of the speed Nathan was travelling, Officer Wigger lost sight of the Motorcycle moments after he had made the decision to follow it and conduct further enquiries.

The coroner found that there was nothing about Officer Wigger’s decision to conduct further enquiries, or his decision to follow the Motorcycle that was causally connected to Nathan’s subsequent actions, and/or the collision between the Motorcycle and some trees which led to the deaths of Nathan and Jesse.

The coroner found that the actions of Officer Wigger on 18 August 2022 did not contribute to, or cause the deaths of either Nathan or Jesse.

Catch Words : Reportable death : Police involvement in death : Accident

Last updated: 25 February 2025

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