Inquest into the Suspected Death of Benjamin Jacob VAN TRIGT
Inquest into the Suspected Death of Benjamin Jacob VAN TRIGT
Delivered on : 23 January 2025
Delivered at : Perth
Finding of : Acting State Coroner Linton
Recommendations : N/A
Orders/Rules : N/A
Suppression Order : N/A
Summary : Benjamin Jacob Van Trigt (Benjamin) was a 38 year old man who died at his home on or about 17 November 2022 from a self-inflicted electrical injury. Benjamin had a history of schizoaffective disorder and was on an active Community Treatment Order (CTO) at the time of his death. By virtue of being on a CTO, Benjamin was an involuntary patient at the time of his death and his death came within the definition of a ‘person held in care’ under the Coroners Act 1996 (WA). Accordingly, a coronial inquest into his death is mandatory.
Benjamin was last seen by his mother on 10 November 2022 and seemed calm and happy at that time. On 19 November 2022, Benjamin’s mother went to his home to see him and there was no answer, although both his vehicles were parked in the driveway. He also did not answer his phone when she then tried to call him. She eventually left as she thought he must be sleeping and did not want to disturb him. She came back to the house a bit later, after still being unable to contact him, but nobody answered, so she left again.
Benjamin’s mother returned to his house the following day, being 20 November 2022, and this time she had brought his spare key with her. She used the spare key to enter his house. She found her son, obviously deceased, lying under a blanket on a mattress in the loungeroom. She called St John Ambulance at 11.45 am and reported what she had found. SJA officers arrived just before noon and confirmed that Benjamin had died some time earlier.
Benjamin had a long history of psychotic illness, yet he was able to manage quite well in the community for long periods, working as a dog washer and living independently. Unfortunately, Benjamin sometimes relapsed into psychosis and required intensive treatment in hospital. Despite being monitored quite closely on a CTO, and receiving his depot medication, Benjamin’s mental health declined in November 2022 and he took steps to end his life by way of electrocution.
The Acting State Coroner was satisfied Benjamin’s death occurred by way of suicide and made no recommendations were made and no adverse comments with regards to the people involved in Benjamin’s care and was managed as well as possible.
Catch Words : Suicide : CTO : Community Treatment Order : Electrocution : Involuntary Patient : Mandatory Inquest
Last updated: 21 February 2025